
基于碳捕集的燃煤机组热力系统优化及技术经济分析 被引量:9

Study on carbon capture system optimization of coal-fired power plant and analysis of its technical economy
摘要 碳捕集和封存是实现电力低碳化发展的关键所在,以600 MW机组为例,研究了碳捕集系统的能量流和质量流。提出了碳捕集系统与燃煤机组的耦合方式,计算了参考电站和碳捕集电站的热经济性。建立了碳捕集电站优化模型,以粒子群算法作为优化模型的求解算法,获得了系统的最优解。基于各设备投资成本,建立了碳捕集电站发电成本和CO2减排成本模型,研究了碳捕集电站的技术经济性。利用系统灵敏度分析方法,研究了碳税收和碳售价对发电成本和CO2减排成本的影响。结果表明:优化后碳捕集电站的热效率比优化前提高了1.1%;当CO2税收额高于0.33元/(kgCO2)时,碳捕集电站的经济性优于参考电站。 CCS technology is the key to develop low-carbon power. This paper took a 600 MW power unit as example to study energy flux and mass flux of the carbon capture system. The coupling way of carbon capture and coal-fired units was proposed. The thermal economy of the conventional power plant and power plant with carbon capture system was calculated. The optimized model of power plant with carbon capture system was established. PSO was used as the solving algorithm of the optimized model. The optimal solution was obtained. Based on the cost of investment of equipment,the models of power generation cost and CO2 emission reduction cost were established. The technical economy of the power plant with carbon capture system was analyzed. The effects of carbon tax and carbon price on the power generation cost and CO2 emission reduction cost was evaluated by using the sensitivity analysis method. The results showed that the thermal efficiency of the power plant with optimized carbon capture system increased by 1.1 percent compared to the conventional system. The economy of the power plant with carbon capture systemwas better than that of the conventional power plant when tax of 1 kg of CO2 was higher than 0.33 yuan.
出处 《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期773-780,共8页 Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress
基金 中央高校基本科研业务专项项目(13XS38) 北京市支持中央在京高校共建项目(20121007901) 国家自然科学基金项目(50676031 51076044)
关键词 碳捕集电站 热力系统 参数优化 粒子群算法 碳税收 carbon capture power plant thermal power system parameter optimization PSO
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