For the trading market monopolized by Japanese businessmen before anti-Japanese war,the boycott of Japanese goods launched frequently caused difficulty in spun yarn trade,and revealed the problem of national cotton textile industrial security.In this case,Chinese spun yarn unable to be as the substitute caused insufficient supply of raw materials for national dyeing and weaving mills.To maintain their operations,the action of forsaking national righteous to obtain Japanese spun yarn through abnormal trade appeared.Although the compromise of extracting Japanese spun yarn fund to establish national spun yarn mill took into account both righteous and interests,it did not get wide and lasting support because of increasing the burden of national dyeing and weaving mills.Some mills consulted with Chinese spinning mills to establish supply and demand relations of cooperation,and some with strength integrated spinning to produce spun yarn themselves.The positive countermeasures sped up the pace of spun yarn,relieved stress of industrial security,and promoted the development of national cotton textile industry.
Researches in Chinese Economic History