

Negation of Confucian Thought by Motoori Norinaga
摘要 本居宣长是日本复古国学的集大成者,在日本被誉为江户时期四大国学名人之一。他以"完全摆脱中国思想"为治学目标,极力排斥儒学思想。其一,探求"古道",否定儒学思想。本居宣长通过日本的古文辞学,根据日本的古典著作阐述"古道",认为儒家思想和佛教曲解和遮蔽了日本"古道"的真意,试图摈弃儒家思想和佛教。其二,推崇"神",否定儒学思想。本居宣长否定中国儒学中重视天命、轻视"神"的思想,推崇"神",割裂儒学与日本神道的关系,并且在日本哲学史上占据了很重要的地位。其三,提倡日本精神,排斥儒学思想。本居宣长主张通过古神话、古传说了解日本人的世界观和人生观,探求日本精神的文化的本质和源泉。他推崇的日本至上优位论,以及日本精神,被后来日本的军国主义者所利用,成为军国主义者向外扩张的理论来源,给亚洲人民造成了灾难和无尽的伤痛。 As epitomizer of Kokugaku in Japan, Motoori Norinaga was honored as one of its four celebri- ties during the Edo period. He strongly rejected Confucianism, for his goal of scholarship was nothing but to "completely get rid of Chinese thought". First of all, he explored the "ancient Japanese principles of learning" to negate Confucian thought, and based upon ancient Japanese language studies, he elucidated these principles with ancient Japanese classics. Thus he protested that Confucianism and Buddhism had distorted and sheltered their genuine intendment, and tried hard to discard Confucian thought and Bud- dhism. Secondly, he praised the "god", and denied Confucianism by negating the attachment of great importance to the mandated of heaven and the disdain for the "god" by Chinese Confucianism, and attempted to dissever the relationship between Confucianism and Japanese Shinto through his praising of "god", thus occupying an important position in the history of Japanese philosophy. And thirdly, he advo-cated Nihon seishin (Japan' s spirit) and rejected Confucianism. Because Motoori Norinaga believed that, through ancient Japanese myths and legends, the world outlook and outlook on life of the Japanese could be understood, and the nature and source of the culture of Nihon seishin, be explored. He, too, advocated the view of Japan' s supremacy and Nihon seishin, which were later made use of by Japanese militarists, and became a theoretical source for Japanese militarist outward expansion, inflicting disaster and endless pains upon the Asian people.
作者 史少博
出处 《山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2014年第1期76-81,共6页 Journal of Shandong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 日本重要哲学家著作编译和研究(12BZX033) 黑龙江省高校人文社会科学重点研究基地项目(HEUSZB1313) 哈尔滨工程大学中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目(HEUZYTS1301)的阶段性成果
关键词 本居宣长 儒家思想 日本精神 军国主义 Motoori Norinaga Confucian thought (Confucianism) Nihon seishin (Japan's spirit) militarism
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