
文化的视角:美国课程史的转向及其意义 被引量:4

A Cultural Perspective:The Transformation of American History of Curriculum and Its Significance
摘要 美国20世纪70年代的社会危机催生了社会学取向的课程史研究。到90年代,为应对美国教育日益突出的文化紧张,课程史研究适时从"社会"转向"文化"。这一转向不仅促成了课程文化史的兴起,而且为学校实践空间日益萎缩的美国课程学者创造了新的实践空间与方式,这便是将课程理论直接看成是实践,同时转入广域的文化社会领域,通过对美国学校中的支配性文化展开福柯式的历史揭示,使课程理论成为文化批评实践。 The sociological orientation of curriculum history research was resulted from the social crisis in the 1970's in the USA. In 1990s, confronting the escalating cultural tensions, the research community of American curriculum history witnessed the shift from "society" to "culture". This shift not only brought about the rise of cultural history of curriculum, but also provided American curriculum scholars, who face continuously reduced school practice space, with new space and model for practice, that is, to consider curriculum theories as practice and shift into broader sociocultural space to make curriculum theo- ries cultural critique practice through Foucaultian historical examination of the dominant culture in Ameri- can school system.
作者 何珊云
出处 《教育学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期44-49,共6页 Journal of Educational Studies
关键词 美国 课程史 文化史 文化批评 USA curriculum history history of culture cultural critique
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