
以教育戏剧为载体的行动研究:教师自我发展过程案例研究 被引量:16

Action Research of Drama in Education: A Case Study on the Process of Teacher's Self-Development
摘要 教育戏剧是一种以戏剧或剧场技巧从事教学的教学方法,在以教育戏剧为载体的行动研究中,通过对一名教师自我发展的典型案例研究发现,教师的自我认同危机是教师专业发展的障碍;教师自我认同危机来自于一个完全依赖于外界认同的自我结构;教育戏剧和行动研究,本质上都是一种社会探测的实验过程;教育戏剧和行动研究可以促进教师自我发展,对教师的自我认同危机起到疗育作用;在这个过程中,教师可以发展成为真正的具有主体自我的实践研究者。教师自我认同、成为具有主体自我的实践研究者是教师建立自信、拥有胜任感、焕发教学生机与活力的两个重要基础。 Drama in Education is an educational pedagogy using drama or theatre. Based on action re- search of Drama in Education, this paper reports a typical case study on a teacher's self-development process. The study shows that the teacher's ego identity crisis was an obstacle to her professional develop- ment; the teacher's self-identity crisis came from a self-structure itself completely relying on outside rec- ognition; Drama in Education as action research was essentially an experimental process of sociometry; Drama in Education and action research could promote the teacher's self-development and heal the teacher's ego identity crisis. In the Drama in Education training process, the teacher became a practitioner researc- her with self consciousness. The paper argues that the teacher's ego identity and the capacity to be a self- conscious practitioner researcher are the two important bases for a teacher to build self-confidence, get a sense of competence, and arouse teaching vigor and vitality.
作者 马利文
出处 《教育学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期75-87,共13页 Journal of Educational Studies
基金 全国教育科学"十一五"规划2008年度立项教育部课题"应用戏剧教学法促进教师专业发展和学生心理健康实验研究"(课题批准号DBA080172)成果之一
关键词 教育戏剧 行动研究 自我成长 Drama in Education action research self-development
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