目的探讨听力正常青年人chirp声诱发的ABR的基本特征。方法对15例(30耳)听力正常青年人分别在CE-Chirp?和click声刺激下进行ABR检测,对结果进行比较。结果 chirp-ABR的反应阈值低于click-ABR,平均差值为8.59dB;在刺激声强度为90dB nHL时,chirp-ABR的波V潜伏期明显短于clickABR,chirp-ABR和click-ABR波V振幅无明显差异(P>0.05),在刺激声强度为60dB nHL时,chirp-ABR波V振幅明显高于click-ABR(P<0.05),chirp-ABR在这两种强度下的波V振幅无差异;在刺激声强度为90dB nHL时,chirp-ABR波I的辨识率(40%)明显低于click-ABR(100%)。结论声刺激强度在一定范围内变化对chirp-ABR波V的振幅影响不明显,chirp-ABR波V潜伏期更短,反应阈值更低。
Objective To analyze the characteristic of auditory brainstem responses (ABR) evoked by chirp in normal hearing subjects. Methods Fifteen cases (30 ears) with normal hearing young people were recorded ABR by stimulation with two kinds of sounds:chirp and click. The data were compared. Results The response threshold of chirp-ABR were lower than that of click-ABR. The average difference was 8.59 dB. At 90 dB nHL, the wave V amplitude yield no significant difference between chirp-ABR and click-ABR. The wave V amplitude had a signifi- cant difference between chirp-ABR and click-ABR at 60 dB nHL. At 90 and 60 dB nHL, the wave V amplitude of chirp-ABR had not a significant difference. The occurence rate was 40% for the wave I of chirp-ABR, obvi- ously less than that of click-ABR. At 90 dB nHL, the wave V latency of chirp-ABR was shorter than that of click- ABR. Conclusion The wave V response threshold of chirp- ABR is less than that of the click- ABR. The chirp-ABR is more advantageous than the click-ABR for assessing hearing threshold.
Journal of Audiology and Speech Pathology