
自动锤珠机的原理和研制 被引量:4

Principle and Development of Automatic Punching Machine for Precious Metal Bead Jewelry
摘要 由黄金或铂金制成的空心圆珠和橄榄形珠是一种很常用的首饰件,传统的加工方式中工人的劳动强度大,加工效率低,产品质量受制于工人技术熟练程度;机械式加工设备体积大而笨重,结构复杂,维修麻烦,成本高。为了解决消费市场和首饰加工企业对产品制作质量要求的不断提高与实际生产智能化程度较低之间的矛盾,笔者研制了自动锤珠机。本文基于自主研发的珠形首饰件自动冲压设备,介绍了珠形贵金属首饰件的加工原理与工艺流程,具体分析了冲压成型的加工工序,提取了最优化的加工动作模式,并设计了等效实现机构。最终笔者采用较为先进的自动控制技术实现了自动锤珠机的机械结构设计、电控系统的层次结构分析和搭建,以及控制程序的植入,完成了自动锤珠机的实体总装,充分显示了研究方案的可行性和实用价值。 Precious metal jewelry in the jewelry market has played an important role, with the continuous improvement of living standards and the rapid growth in consumption of jew- elry. Precious metal jewelry market is demanding for efficiency of production processes, which brings new challenges. The factories are constantly improving the processing quality of precious metal jewelry, which require a higher ability. It still remains the reality that pro- cessing technology of precious metal jewelry is mainly made by hands. The mechanization and automation technology is still rarely used in this industry, which severely restricts the development and innovation of jewelry processing technology. In recent years, the rapid development of modern high-tech, such as advanced manufac- turing technology, meehatronics and computer control technology, brings new life to the technological innovations of precious metal jewelry processing industry. Engineers and tech- nicians should be paid more attention to the jewelry processing industry where modern high- tech could be used. Research and development for replacing the manual work by machines become more important for jewelry processing industry to improve production efficiency andprecision. A variety of bead-shaped and olive-shaped precious metal beads are widely applied in the modern market. And processing of such parts is still hand-stamping based. This paper pro- posed and developed a creative one for bead-shaped and olive-shaped bead jewelry stamping forming automatic equipment, where embedded control systems based on modern design con- cept are used. The finished device could replace the manual work and automatic process of the round ball and oval based centrosymmetric spherical shape of the jewelry components. In this paper, bead jewelry pieces automation processing system was theoretically studied and practically developed. The main tasks are as follows. The idea of using electromechanical in- tegration equipment to replace manual processing with bead jewelry part of the overall struc- ture of the model is achieved. The model of modules and functions are in-depth analyzed and specifically researched. The whole model of the device is divided into three parts according to the different nature of the structure and mechanical parts. The three parts of most important R^D work are the specific content and logical structure. This three-part exists a logical rela- tionship. The mechanical part is the underlying structure, while electronic control portion is the middle layer and the control program portion is the top structure. Reference to the actual processing of the process flow, according to the functional design of mechanical parts, the three body structures are achieved. Designed lifting mechanism, ro- tating mechanism and feeding mechanism of the body structure, assembled the three compo- nent parts, and completed the processing of parts. Based on the completed assemble of me- chanical parts and the original motivation for the control of mechanical part and the equip- ment, it is required for the function of electrical research and analysis part of the composition of the obtained electronic control modules. The appropriate micro-controllers and other elec- tronic components are chosen. Modern technology of circuit design and application are used to design the micro-controller system, the keyboard as input module, the liquid crystal as display module, the motor as drive module, the press control module and the alarm module. Upon completion of the underlying mechanical and electronic control part of the middle lay- er, based on the state of the stepper motor control requirements and the electronic control system functional requirements of each module and method, the micro-controller is served as a carrier to control the lifting, rotating and feeding mechanism driven stepper motors, and to drive the auxiliary devices such as the matrix keyboard, the relays, the alarm and display control system, using the procedure-oriented structure programming method.
作者 李晶 袁心强
出处 《宝石和宝石学杂志》 CAS 2014年第1期70-76,共7页 Journal of Gems & Gemmology
基金 中国地质大学(武汉)教学实验室开放基金研究生专项立项(批准文号:SKJ2012179)
关键词 锤珠机 贵金属首饰 自动化 bead punching machine precious metal j ewelry automation
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