

Swarm Complex System Modeling Platform for the Establishment and Testing
摘要 Swarm是复杂系统建模仿真的一种平台,其减轻了模型设计的技术负担并规范了模型的设计。因此,正确建立Swarm仿真平台对于实现Swarm建模具有基础性意义。在将Swarm当作Java扩展类库的基本思路下,进行Java语言版本的Swarm复杂系统建模平台的设置,并通过jheatbugs的举例验证了平台建立的正确性,为Swarm仿真开发奠定了基础。 Swarm is a kind of platform for Complex System. It reduces the burden of the model technology and rules the design of model. It is an fundamental significance for constructing swarm simulation plantform. Based on the thinking of Swarm as an Extension library of java, Swarm platform is constructed in Windows XP system. Jheatbugs is used to verified its correctness to establish the foundation of Swarm simulation development.
作者 方守林
出处 《电子科技》 2014年第3期46-47,51,共3页 Electronic Science and Technology
关键词 SWARM 复杂系统 仿真 Swarm complex system simulation
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