羊毛衫采用双氧水酶两步法处理,可获得防毡缩性好,强力损伤小的效 果。通过正交实验设计,得出最佳工艺条件为:双氧水的作用浓度60ml/ 1,温度60℃,时间45min ;酶HAP,用量3.0%,温度50℃,时间60min。 经最佳工艺条件整理的毛衫可达到超级耐洗的水平.
The optimized of anti-shrinking finishing and strength decreasing are obtained by treateing woollen sweater samples with hydrogen peroxide(H2O2) protease (HAP). Through arthogonal trial,the optimized process conditions are derived: H2O2 - temperature(60℃),reaction time (45min), con- sistence (60ml/l); HAP- (50℃), (60min), (3.0%). The indices of woollen sweater samples treated under the conditions teach the super - washing resistance cri-teria on woollen knitting fabrics.
Journal of Huizhou University