
康德历史哲学中的天意与人的启蒙 被引量:6

Providence and the Enlightenment of Man in Kant's Philosophy of History
摘要 在康德那里,人类历史进程被描述为“大自然的一个隐秘计划的实施”(Kant,8:27),永久和平的保证被归结于“自然机械论”(Kant,8:366)。这似乎意味着有一种超出人的意志之外的力量在推动人类历史朝向永久和平前进,这就是“天意”。 In Kant's philosophy of history,the guarantee of historical progress is attributed to a mechanism of nature,in which the unknown cause that keeps driving human race forward is the providence.It seems that this natural teleology contradicts Kant's request for man's self-enlightenment,and hence has aroused a lot of controversies in the study of Kant.This paper tries to prove that the providence and the enlightenment of man are eoherent in Kant's philosophy of history,and that the possibility of historical progress depends ultimately on the active and public use of man's own reason forced by the unsocial sociability in his nature.
作者 方博
出处 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期68-76,129,共9页 Philosophical Research
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