【目的】探讨在根域限制栽培条件下,内源ABA的变化及其与葡萄树体生长及果实发育的关联。【方法】以根域限制栽培的3 a生‘巨峰’葡萄树为试材,测定了树体生长、果实品质及从萌芽期到成熟期葡萄树体各部分的ABA含量。【结果】根域限制抑制了葡萄的新梢长和叶面积生长,叶片光合速率下降,但促进了根系生长,使细根比例增加,并改善了坐果,可溶性固形物含量和果皮花色苷含量显著提高。除萌芽期外,盛花期、转色期和采收期,无论根、茎、叶、花(果)还是树液,根域限制树各部位的ABA含量都显著高于对照。【结论】根域限制导致萌芽期以外所有生长阶段树体各部分内源ABA的显著增加,是其抑制新梢生长、促进果实着色、改善果实品质的重要原因。
[Objective]The aim of the research was to explore the relationships between the change of endogenous abscisic acid and shoot growth, berry setting and quality. [Method] Experiments were conducted on the 3-years-old ' Kyoho' grape vines cultured under the condition of root restriction; the vine growth, berry quality and the content of endogenous Abscisic acid (ABA) of each part of root-restricted grape vines were measured from bud break to berry maturity stage. [Result] Under the condition of root restriction, shoot growth and leaf area were significantly inhibited, while the photosynthesis rate declined. However, the condition of root restriction promoted the development of the root, which led to the increase of fine root. Moreover, the berry size and content of TSS and Anthocyanin significantly increased. The ABA content in root, stem, leaf, flower(berry) and sap was higher under the condition of root restriction than control at the stage of full blossom, veraison and maturity. [Conclusion] Therefore, it was concluded that root restriction increased the content of endogenous ABA, which resulted in the inhibition of vine growth and the improvement of berry colour and quality.
Journal of Fruit Science