介绍了计算机CRT单频单色显示器用压电陶瓷变压器高压电源的工作原理和基本特征 ,试验证明用压电陶瓷变压器替换传统逆程变压器时不仅能完全满足计算机单色显示器的技术要求 ,而且降低了成本 ,大大缩小了高压包的体积 ,提高了计算机显示器的可靠性 .
The working principle and characteristics of a large-power piezoelectric-ceramic-transformer (PCT) high voltage power supply are introduced for computer cathode-ray-tube (CRT) monochromatic display application at first. The experimental results show that such a PCT high voltage power supply can meet completely the technological demands of computer monochromatic display. Moreover, the substitute of the conventional flying back transformer with piezoelectric ceramic transformer can improve the reliability of computer display, lower in the cost, and decrease greatly the volume of high voltage winding.
Journal of Hubei University:Natural Science