

The Color Purple:A Psalm of Romantic Belief in the Spirit
摘要 作为一位虔诚的浪漫主义追随者,艾莉丝·沃克对于神灵也有着诚挚的敬意,并从中汲取了无穷的灵感和勇气。在沃克的个人生活和艺术创作中,她总能察觉出神灵的影响力,也因此她将《紫色》献给了神灵。《紫色》整部小说的创作都可谓是沃克与神灵进行精神交流的最佳验证,作家本身则成为了神灵叙述的媒介。为了使她对神灵的信仰具体化,沃克在《紫色》里用生动的故事情节使读者认可了莎格表面看来非常叛逆的宗教信仰。西丽全盘接受了莎格"神即万物"的颠覆性宗教观,开始奋起反抗她生活中的种种不公平待遇,继而实现了对自我的肯定。 As a devout romanticist,Alice Walker harbors her sincere reverence for the spirit and possesses the power of drawing her inspiration and courage from it. In her life and creative works,she is always aware of the influence of the spirit,a major reason leading her dedication of The Color Purple to the spirit. Even the creating process of the novel is a manifestation of spiritual interaction between the spirit and the author. The author enamored of this excellence becomes a medium through which the spirit speaks. To externalize her view on the spirit,Walker designs a plot mobilizing readers to lend complete assent to Shug's seemingly rebellious religion. Celie, accepting Shug's subversive religious interpretation that "God is everything",initiates her way to defy inequalities in her life and realizes self-affirmation.
作者 邹霞
出处 《大理学院学报(综合版)》 CAS 2014年第3期41-44,共4页 Journal of Dali University
基金 大理学院青年教师科研基金资助项目(KYQN201226)
关键词 神灵 浪漫主义者 宗教 颠覆性 自我肯定 the spirit romanticist religion subversive self-affirmation
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