全球著名的跨国制药企业梯瓦制药在过去几个月里面临着很多问题,现任的高管说,只有收购才能扭转局面。在CFO Eyal Desheh看来,就目前的债务水平来看,梯瓦已经具备足够的财务资源来进行收购。Eyal Deshe说,"我们要做过去最擅长的‘聪明’的交易,逐个拿下,然后实现从一到二。这虽然已经是陈词滥调了,但我们非常擅长这样做。这将是我们未来所关注的交易。"他进一步解释说,寻找收购宜早不宜迟:主导产品Copaxone的专利将在几个月后到期,公司没有时间可以浪费。
CFO Eyal Desheh says Teva is ready to buy, and it has the financial resources to do so, thanks to a debt level he described as "reasonable.""We have to do the clever deals that Teva was so good at doing in the past," CFO Eyal Desheh said. "The ones that you can buy one and one and get to two, I know it's a cliche. But we're very good at doing that. And I think that these are the kind of deals that we'll be looking at in the future." But look for acquisitions sooner rather than later: With leading product Copaxone's patent expiring in a few months, Teva has no time to waste, Desheh said.
CFO World