为了满足对地震诱发滑坡危险区预测的不断增长的迫切要求 ,灾害评价成为帮助决策过程重要的基础工具之一。即使地震滑坡危险性各组份的评价很困难 ,但地理信息可辅助提出这种灾害制图的有关方法。描述了用于地理信息系统识别和定量计算不同地震滑坡危险区的技术方法 ,确定了地震烈度、地形坡度、岩土体类型和现存滑坡密度共 4个因子参与的地震诱发滑坡危险性分析。在ARC/INFODRID支持下 ,进行叠合分析 ,由此编制了云南省地震诱发滑坡危险区预测图。由地貌学家提出的地震诱发滑坡预测为规划者和工程师提供了对区域规划和建筑工程有价值的技术方法。
To satisfy the increasingly urgent demand for hazard zone prediction of earthquake triggered landslides,risk assessment has become one of the fundamental tools for helping the decision-making process.Even though individual components of earthquake triggered landslide hazards can be difficult of access,the availability of geographic information systems (GIS) helps in proposing pertinent methods for the mapping of such risk.This paper describes systematic methodology used to establish a GIS capable of identifying and quantitatively rating areas of landsliding risk and hazard.The 4 parameters are determined:seismic intensity,slope angle,rock type and existing landslide density that are considered to be important for zoning of earthquake triggered landslide hazards.Under the support of ARC / INFO GRID,the 4 factor digital maps are overlayed to accomplish zonation map of erathquake triggered landslide hazard.The proposed method for hazard zone prediction of earthquake triggered landslides by geomorphologists is significant to provide planners and engineers with valuable tool for regional planning and construction work.
Journal of Seismological Research