

Design of Wireless Power Transmission Module in a Radio-Telemetry System for Physiological Parameters
摘要 能量供应问题是动物生理参数遥测系统实现长期稳定工作的关键,基于电磁感应的无线供能技术是解决这一问题的有效途径.为向动物生理参数遥测系统提供稳定、安全的能量,从能量传输的稳定性与电磁生物安全性两方面出发,对能量传输模块进行优化设计,实现了由长方形截面发射线圈和三维接收线圈组成的无线供能模块,能够在Φ10.5 mm×11 mm接收空间内提供至少150 mW有效功率,传输效率不小于2.64%.遥测系统的活体实验证实了该供能方式的可行性. Power shortage is the bottleneck for the implantable radio-telemetry system for animal physio- logical parameters to work stably for a long time. Wireless power transmission based on electromagnetic induction is an effective way to deal with this problem. In order to supply enough power to the radio-te- lemetry system safely and stably, the power transmission module was optimally designed considering the stability and electromagnetic biology safety during power transmission. The wireless power transmission module composed of transmitting coil of rectangle section solenoid and three-dimensional receiving coil was proposed. The module can provide at least 150 mW power to the load in a volume of Ф10. 5 mm×11 mm, that is, more than 2.64% of power transmission efficiency. Vivi experiments also verified the feasi- bility of this design.
出处 《纳米技术与精密工程》 CAS CSCD 2014年第2期91-96,共6页 Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)资助项目(2007AA04Z234) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60875061 31170968 61075110) 湖南省自然科学基金资助项目(13JJ4055)
关键词 无线供能 生理参数 遥测 能量传输稳定性 生物安全性 wireless power transmission physiological parameters radio-telemetry power transmissionstability biology safety
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