
联合国气候变化框架公约下“三可”规则现状与展望 被引量:4

Transparency Mechanism in International Climate Change Regime: Present Regulations and Perspectives
摘要 气候变化华沙谈判完成了公约体系下的"三可"规则,即可测量、可报告、可核实规则,形成了发达国家和发展中国家共同但有区别的透明度机制。规则对各国履行气候公约下信息报告义务的频率、内容和信息质量都提出了新的要求。德班平台的透明度谈判预计将基于现行"三可"规则向减排目标的事前报告和核算规则延伸,并以国际政治磋商取代遵约机制,以软履约的方式督促各方履行公约义务。 The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Warsaw conference completes the rules of MRV (Measurable, reportable and verifiable), which forms the "common but differentiated" transparency mechanism under the UNFCCC. Those rules make new requests, especially on the frequency, the contents and the quality, for both developed and developing countries on the fulfillment of their obligations of information reporting under the UNFCCC. The negotiation for transparency under the Durban Platform would start from these MRV rules, and extend to ex-ante information reporting and accounting rules. International consultation mechanism would be established to work as and replace compliance mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol, which would facilitate the fulfillment of obligations by all Parties through a softer way.
作者 高翔 滕飞
出处 《中国能源》 2014年第2期28-31,27,共5页 Energy of China
基金 科技部国家科技支撑计划项目"气候变化谈判关键议题的支撑技术研究"(编号:2012BAC20B04)
关键词 气候变化谈判 国际规则 三可 透明度 德班平台 Climate change negotiation International regime MRV Transparency Durban Platform
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