

Design of stability augmentation of stratospheric airship based on EA
摘要 对飞艇非线性六自由度模型进行线性化,得到了飞艇的状态方程,并将其分为纵向和侧向两组。以飞艇非线性模型为基础对飞艇自然特性进行了分析,对飞艇的纵向运动及侧向运动的稳定性进行了分析仿真。运用基于线性矩阵不等式(LMI)的特征结构配置方法对平流层飞艇进行增稳控制律设计,不仅实现了特征值的配置,同时确定闭环系统特征值对应的特征向量和广义特征向量。 We linearized airship's six-degree-freedom nonlinear equations in this paper,and gained its linear state equations.Finally,we find that the state equations can be divided into longitude and lateral equation.Based on the nonlinear model of airship,we analyzed the airship's natural characteristics.Our work is to analyze and simulate the stability of the airship's longitudinal movement and lateral movement.And we used the EA methods that based on linear matrix inequalities (LMI) to design the stability augmentation control law of stratospheric airship,thus we can get not only the configuration of the eigenvalues but also the corresponding eigenvectors and generalized eigenvectors,which are determined by eigenvalues of the closed-loop system.
出处 《电子设计工程》 2014年第4期108-111,共4页 Electronic Design Engineering
关键词 平流层飞艇 状态方程 特征结构配置 增稳设计 stratospheric airship state equation Eigenstructure Assignment(EA) design of stability augmentation
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