
美国教师“全程式”实践培训模式探索 被引量:8

An Exploration of American“Whole Program” Practical Training Model for Teachers
摘要 加强实践培训,已成为教师教育改革中的关键环节。美国教师教育研究及鉴定委员会尝试提出了新型"全程式"实践培训模式,在资格认证、角色转变、课程设置、激励机制、效能评估等几个方面作出了重要改革,全面保障教学实践培训贯穿于教师教育的始终。 Strengthening practical training has become the key link of teacher education re- form. United States National Research Council and National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education have proposed the "whole program" practical training mode, and the new program has made an important innovation on such several aspects as qualification, role transformation, curriculum setting, incentive mechanism, effectiveness evaluation and so on, which aims at thoroughly ensuring the teaching practical training running through the whole process of teacher education.
作者 郭蕊 王景英
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期110-119,共10页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 吉林省教育科学"十二五"规划重点资助课题<吉林省中小学教师绩效评价与发展性评价的整合研究>(课题批准号:ZZ1120) 东北师范大学繁荣哲学社会科学"双十项目"<基础教育合理发展的理论与实践研究>的子项目<基础教育合理发展的制度设计与政策制定研究>
关键词 美国 教师培训模式 “全程式”实践 the United States teacher training mode "whole program" practice
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