
基础疾病评分和年龄及慢性健康状况评分对危重病患者预后的影响 被引量:7

Prognosis value of age,chronic healthy score and co-morbidities on mortality of critical ill patients
摘要 目的:应用年龄评分、慢性健康状况评分(chronichealthyscore,CHS)和基础疾病个数评价基础疾病对危重病患者28d预后的影响。方法:回顾性分析上海长征医院200912—2011-12的危重病患者的临床资料;记录患者的一般状况,计算人院时WIC、CHS和年龄评分、入院后48h内急性生理与慢性健康状况(A—PACHE)评分Ⅱ和脓毒症相关性器官功能衰竭评分(SepsisRelatedOrganFailureAssessment,S()FA)评分;统计各个变量同预后的关系。结果:共有406名患者纳入研究,与存活组比较,死亡组的基础疾病分值、APACHEⅡ分值和sOFA评分较高,肺炎患者比例较高(P(0.05)。年龄评分和基础疾病评分分值越高,死亡率越高(P〈0.01)。年龄,CHS,基础疾病数,APACHEⅡ,SOFA,联合预测概率的曲线下面积(95%可信区间)分别是:0.634(0.570~0.699),0.540(0.471~0.609),O.651(0.587~0.714),0.786(0.734~0.837),O.787(0.736~0.839),0.817(0.768~0.866)。多因素logistic回归分析显示:年龄评分(()R一1.188,95%CI:1.030~1.369,P=0.0.018)、基础疾病评分(OR=1.425。95%CI:1.049~1.934,P=0.023)患者28d预后独立相关,CHS(OR=1.127,95%CI:0.849~1.497,p=0.407)并不是28d预后的独立变量。结论:基本健康状况影响危重病患者的预后,基础疾病联合SOFA评分等有助于对lCU患者28d预后的影响。 Objective:We investigated the effects of age and comorbidites on mortality of critical ill patients three scores system:age group socre, chronic healthy score and numbers of co-morbidities. Method: A single-cen- ter,2-year retrospective study was conducted and all ICU patients were included. General data about patients were recorded, scores of age,CHS, numbers of co-morbidities, APACHE and SOFA score were calculated and associa- tions among each other were analyzed statistically. Result:406 patients were enrolled and divided into survival and non-survival group. Compared with survival group, non-survivors had higher scores of co-morbidities,CHS, age and APACHE ,SOFA(P〈0.05). Patients with high socre of age and co-morbidities had higher mortality. ROC curve area (95 - confidence index) predicting 28 days mortality for age, numbers of co-morbidities,CHS, APACHE H , SOFA and combinations numbers of co-morbidities with APACHE II :0. 634 (0. 570 - 0. 699 ), 0. 540 (0. 471 - 0. 609),0. 651(0. 587-0. 714),0. 786(0. 734-0. 837),0. 787(0. 736-0. 839),0. 817(0. 768-0. 866),respectively. The multivariate logistic regression revealed that risk of death depends significantly of numbers of co-morbidities (OR=1.425,95- CI:1.049-1.934,P=0.023) and age scores(OR=l. 188,95- CI:1.030-1.369,P=0. 018) ,but not scores of CHS(OR-I. 127,95- CI:0. 849-1. 497,P-0. 407). Conclusion:Age and chronic health status could affect mortality among critical ill patients.
出处 《临床急诊杂志》 CAS 2014年第2期85-88,共4页 Journal of Clinical Emergency
关键词 基础疾病 急性生理与慢性健康状况评分Ⅱ 脓毒症相关性器官功能衰竭评分 脓毒症 预后 co-morbidities APACHE II score SOFA score sepsis progonosis
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