以石灰石为原料制造轻质碳酸钙国内外生产现状;轻质碳酸钙应用领域及其基本要求;我国轻质碳酸钙进口量远远高于出口量,进口单位平均价格高于出口单位平均价格近 4倍。必须努力开发粘合剂和密封材料、造纸、橡胶、塑料、日化、医药等专用轻质碳酸钙系列产品,以满足市场需求。
The Present situation of producing calcium carbonate with limestone is introduced. The application and specification of light calcium carbonate are given. The imported CaCO3 is much more than that of exported in China.And the price of imported is 4 times that of exported. So light calcium carbonate of special purpose(i.e.for adheres and sealing material,paper,rubber,plastics,daily chemicals and medicine) must be developed soon to meet the needs of the market.
China Non-Metallic Minerals industry