
御用之作与独立研究的终极成果---戴震两种不同版本的《水经注》 被引量:6

A Work Used by the Emperor and the Ultimate Achievement of Independent Research: the Two Different Editions of Commentary on the Waterways Classic by Dai Zhen
摘要 《水经注》的武英殿本和自刻本皆出自戴震之手,但却是两种性质完全不同的版本。在戴震接受殿本《水经注》校订之前,乾隆皇帝已为《水经注》题诗,竭力贬低以朱谋本为代表的"近刻"而抬高大典本。这实际上就给《水经注》的校订定了调子,下了御旨。因此,尽管《水经注》宋代已亡佚五卷,而殿本仍"割裂以傅合四十卷之数",以示其底本(即大典本)所谓"全文具存"的完整性。戴震在校订中已竭尽考古之功,但为了美化大典本,还要把大典本的讹误,硬说成"近刻"的讹误。这无疑是四库当局的主意,而戴震只有痛苦地被牵着鼻子走。为了伸冤,即对社会和历史有个交代,戴震节衣缩食,最后还是完成了自刻本的刊刻。自刻本与殿本相比有两个最大的区别:一是破卷立篇,充分遵循了实事求是的治学准则;二是通书白文,与殿本案校充斥形成了鲜明的对比,也是无声的抗议。自刻本积聚了戴震大半生的心血,是他独立研究《水经注》的终极成果。但是二百多年来,殿本被"举世奉为圭臬",而自刻本却鲜为人知。 The Hall of Martial Valor edition and Dai Zhen's own block-print edition of Commentary on the Waterways Classic were both the works by Dai Zhen,yet the two were very different in character.Before he agreed to revise the edition of the Hall of Martial Valor of Commentary on the Waterways Classic,Emperor Qianlong had already written a poem for the book,trying to belittle the'recent copies'represented by the edition by Zhu Mouwei,and praising the edition in The Yongle Canon.So although five volumes of the book were lost in the Song Dynasty,the edition of the Hall of Martial Valor still separated the original contents in order to conform to the original forty-volume length,just to show the putative integrityof the edition in The Yongle Canon.Dai Zhen had done all the textual work in great detail,but in order to embellish the edition in The Yongle Canon,he had to distort the errors of the edition in The Yongle Canon as errors of the'recent copies.'That was undoubtedly the idea of the authorities of Complete Library in the Four Branches of Literature,and Dai could only follow their lead with great sorrow.To redress such regret,as well as make a confession to the society and history,he lived thriftily,and finally completed his own block-printed edition.There are two significant differences between the two editions:the block-printed edition broke the volumes into pieces,fully adhering to the realistic academic standard;also,this edition was entirely an unannotated text,forming stark contrast and silent protest to the edition of the Hall of Martial Valor which was riddled with notes and annotations.As the ultimate achievement of Dai's independent research of Commentary on the Waterways Classic,his block-printed edition condensed the painstaking efforts for most of his life.Yet the edition of the Hall of Martial Valor'has been enshrined the norm universally'for over two centuries,while the self block-printed edition was rarely known.
作者 杨应芹
出处 《文史哲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期97-106,166,共10页 Literature,History,and Philosophy
基金 全国高校古委会2012年度古籍整理研究项目“戴震自刻分篇《水经注》”(1204)的阶段性成果
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  • 1戴震.《记洞过水》,杨应芹、诸伟奇主编.《戴震全书》(修订本)第6册,第508页.
  • 2朱筠.《戴氏校订本水经注书后》,《笥河文集》卷六,嘉庆乙亥(1815)椒华哙舫刻本,第19页b-20页a.
  • 3戴震.《与王内翰凤喈书》[A]..《戴震全书》第6册[C].黄山书社,1997年版.第278页.
  • 4孔继涵.《水地记抄本序》,杨应芹、诸伟奇主编.《戴震全书》(修订本)第7册,264页.
  • 5程瑶田.《五友记》,陈冠明等校点.《程瑶田全集》第3册,合肥:黄山书社,2008年,第314-315页.
  • 6钱大听.《戴先生传》,《潜研堂文集》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1989年,第710页.
  • 7戴震:《与姚孝廉姬传书》,见《戴震全书》第6册,372页.
  • 8胡适.《官本水经注提要的文字责任和文字意义》,耿云志主编.《胡适遗稿及秘藏书信》第1册,第318页.
  • 9胡适.《官本水经注提要的文字责任与文字意义》,耿云志主编.《胡适遗稿及秘藏书信》第1册,第335页.
  • 10胡适.《跋戴校水经注引书目,并推论戴氏治水经注的方法》,耿云志主编.《胡适遗稿及秘藏书信》第3册,第190页.












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