通过电磁场适当短时间作用于淮南洗精煤和北宿煤 ,会使水煤浆析水率降低 ,稳定性得到改善。磁场对北宿煤制浆性能影响较大 ,尤其是流动性和析水率都有较大的变化。
With a short period action on Huinan cleaned coal and Beisu coal, electric magnetic field can reduce the de watering rate and improve the stability of the coal water mixture. The electric magnetic field has a high influence to the performances of the Beisu coal water mixture, especially great changes in the flowability and de watering rate. In the low density, after 5 min. Magnetization, Beisu coal with water can prepare coal water mixture with a low viscosity, low de watering rate and soft slurry. When the density steadily increased, after 10 min. magnetization, the stability of the mixture will be decreased from the view of the de watering rate. Under a magnetic field strength arranging from 13 5~22 0 mT, after 2 min. magnetization for the coal and water, the flowability of the mixture can be obviously improved.
Coal Science and Technology