整个网络技术正向着高速宽带化方向发展 ,随着实时点播、视频会议等网络实时业务的兴起 ,提高专用网服务质量显得越来越重要。在因特网上提供专用网服务质量的技术 ,已成为当前网络技术研究的热点之一。虚拟专用网作为对传统专线模式的替代 ,除了提供安全和可靠性方面的保障外 ,还须提供性能方面的保障。本文在分析资源预留协议的基础上 。
The trend of computer network technology is high-speed and wide-bandwidth. With the rising of real-time services, such as video-on-demand, video-conference, etc., it is more important to improve the quality of service(QoS). The quality of service based on Internet has become a focus of computer network research. When we use Virtual Private Network (VPN)in place of traditional leased lines, it not only provides security and reliability of these services but also ensures their performance. According to the analysis of resource reservation protocol(RSVP), this paper puts forward an implementation scheme to the QoS of VPN, which is implemented by IPSec tunneling protocol.
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