
病理状态新生儿血清唾液酸水平分析 被引量:2

The clinical features of serum total sialic acid levels in pathological newborn
摘要 目的探讨病理状态新生儿血清唾液酸(sialic acids,SIA)水平及其与胎龄和日龄的关系。方法将因病理状态住院的新生儿(987例)分早产儿(238例)和足月儿(743例)两组,每组又根据日龄分24 h以内、25 h^7 d和大于7 d亚组,SIA测定采用神经氨酸苷酶法。结果早产儿各亚组血清SIA水平显著低于足月儿相应亚组(P<0.05);早产儿≤24h亚组血清SIA水平显著低于25 h^7 d亚组(t=4.70,P<0.01);早产儿组和足月儿组中≤24h亚组血清SIA水平均显著低于25 h^7 d亚组或>7 d亚组。结论本组新生儿血清唾液酸水平与日龄相关联,早产儿血清唾液酸水平低于足月儿组。 Objective To investigate the serum sialic acid ( SIA ) levels in pathological newborn and evaluate the correlation between SIA levels and gestational ages or ages .Method Premature newborn and mature newborn were grouped according to gestational ages and not more than 24h subgroup, 25 h^7 d and more than 7d subgroups were defined by day ages .The enzymatic method was used when the contents of serum SIA were detected .The statistical analysis software, SPSS version 17.0 was used in the study.Findings A total of 987 newborn, including 238 (24.1%) pre-term newborns, 737 (75.3%) full term newborns and 6(0.6%)pos-term newborns were included in the study .The serum SIA levels of the ≤24h subgroup, 25 h^7 d subgroup and〉7d subgroup in the pre-full newborns group were 27.2 ±8.1mg/dl, 33.3 ±5.8 mg/dl and 32.9 ±6.2 mg/dl respectively,which were significant lower than that in the full term group in which the SIA level were 30.4 ±9.2mg/dl,35.4 ±6.7 mg/dl and 37.6 ±9.0mg/dl instead.Lower SIA level was found in≤24h subgroups compared with the 25 h ~7 d subgroups or 〉7d subgroups in both pre-term and full term groups . Conclusion There was correlation between serum sialic acid level and day age in newborns in the study .Lower SIA level was identified in pre-full newborn when compared with the full term newborn .
出处 《健康研究》 CAS 2014年第1期29-30,33,F0003,共4页 Health Research
关键词 新生儿 早产儿 唾液酸 newborn preterm newborn sialic acid
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