

The Application of Prefabricated Chunks Theory to Spoken English Instruction among Low-English-Leveled Students
摘要 通过设置实验组和对照组,对某高职院校2012级会计班的英语预制语块教学改革展开研究。结果表明,尽管低起点学习者的语言水平、课堂学习积极性以及对新方法的配合程度对口语教学质量构成一定影响,但整体来说,这一理论的运用对低起点英语学习者口语表达能力的提高有帮助。对教学改革的启示是,教师能够通过一系列有趣的、行之有效的教学新理论和监督指导策略帮助部分低起点学习者找到好的学习方法,重拾学习兴趣,树立学好英语的信心。 Throughout the document literature ,the instruction research of prefabricated chunks theory has a long history abroad ,and the interests continue to grow .In China ,the relevant researches by scholars and experts star-ted later ,and it was not until the recent 30 years did they have the relatively systemic and in-depth study .But to apply the theory to the low-English-leveled learners is still rarely involved .This paper is to study the instruction reform of applying English prefabricated chunks theory to a vocational college ,accounting class ,level 2012 ,by setting up the experimental group and control group .The results showed that ,although the low-English-leveled learner's language proficiency ,classroom learning motivation and the matching degree to the new method had cer-tain influences to spoken English instruction ,as a whole ,the apply of this theory was helpful to low-English-lev-eled students'oral expression abilities .T he enlightenments to our teaching reform are :teachers can help some low-English-leveled learners to find good learning methods ,regain learning interests and develop the confidence to learn English well through a series of interesting and effective new teaching theory and supervise and guide strategies .
作者 尹丕安 杜静
出处 《西安航空学院学报》 2014年第1期91-96,共6页 Journal of Xi’an Aeronautical Institute
基金 西安理工大学校改重点项目(10900J1002)
关键词 预制语块理论 低起点学习者 口语教学 监督指导策略 prefabricated chunks theory low-English-leveled learners spoken English instruction super-vise and guide strategies
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