通过对我国汽车零部件产业及其技术引进现状的分析研究 ,阐述我国汽车零部件技术引进的策略 ,提出了把消化吸收国外先进技术作为我国技术引进的重要目标。并通过分析我国汽车零部件工业发展的特点 ,找出我国汽车零部件工业与发达国家的差距 ,指出了现阶段我国汽车零部件技术引进中存在的问题。提出了我国汽车零部件技术引进的对策。
Based on the analysis to the status auto parts industry in China and the import of technology, this paper presents the tactics for importing the technology in auto parts and proposes absorbing and digesting the advanced foreign technology to be the main goal in importing By analysis to the features of the development of auto parts industry in China, the author points out the difference between industrialized countries and China, and problems in importing the technology in auto parts in China at present Countermeasure for importing the technology in auto parts is proposed as well
Guangxi Machinery