
普通高中学生家庭选择性教育消费研究——基于浙江省金华市四所高中的调查 被引量:6

On Alternative Education Consumption of Senior High School Students' Family——An investigation on four high schools in Jinhua,Zhejiang
摘要 对浙江省金华市四所普通高中学生的选择性教育消费的抽样调查表明,选择性教育己经成为高中生家庭教育消费的重要内容,大部分家庭能够承受一个高中生的选择性教育消费负担,但对多个在读子女教育消费的支付能力不足。在高中生选择性教育消费过程中,存在消费主体性缺乏、非理性消费、消费阶层分化严重和教育服务意识欠缺等问题,优质高中教育资源短缺和居民日益增强的需求矛盾是问题产生的首因。因此,政府和社会应正视选择性教育消费现象、大力促进基础教育均衡发展,规范选择性教育消费市场、逐步健全补偿监管机制,健全开放化办学管理体制、积极开辟多元筹资渠道,树立服务性教育消费理念、全面提高各类高中质量,引导学生家庭合理性消费、优化高中教育资源配置。 A sample survey on alternative education consumption attended by senior high students of four schools in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province indicates that alternative education has been a significant part of educational consumption that a family with high students demands. In fact, most of the families can afford the spending on alternative education; however, to those families with more than one child, it's a great burden. Besides, there are some problems while senior high students choosing alternative education, including lacking consumers' subjectivity, consuming irrationally, enlarging consumptive gap between the rich and the poor and lacking service consciousness, etc, the main cause of which is the contradiction between the shortage of good educational resources in senior high schools and people's increasing demand on them. Therefore, alternative education should be regarded with a correct attitude, and the harmonious development of education is supposed to be promoted; the market of alternative education should be regulated, and the supervisory mechanism should be perfected gradually; a open system of educational provision should be built and educational funning raised in various ways; the consumption concept of service education should be formed and all kind of senior high education improved; the families should be instructed to purchase education rationally and the distribution of resources of senior high education optimized.
机构地区 浙江师范大学
出处 《教育与经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期10-16,21,共8页 Education & Economy
基金 2013年浙江省哲学社会科学规划重点课题"浙江省高等教育综合实力提升研究"(项目编号:13NDJC008Z)的研究成果之一
关键词 普通高中生 选择性教育消费 主体性 差异性 senior high school students, consumption on alternative education, subjectivity, diversity
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