
安全困境视角下的南亚核安全关系网 被引量:2

The South Asian Nuclear Security Network:A Security Dilemma?
摘要 安全困境是现实主义国际关系领域最为核心的理论之一。南亚地区的印度和巴基斯坦均掌握了核能力,且置身于国际核不扩散体系之外,安全困境在南亚地区凸显。南亚地区核安全网络具有非对称性和大国介入性两大特点,且呈现出与世界其他区域相比更为复杂的核安全问题,南亚地区的核安全态势不容乐观。倡导新安全观和和谐世界理念的中国应积极发挥作用,推动南亚地区实现核安全的稳定。 The security dilemma is central to realist theories of international re- lations. South Asia' s most hostile pair of states - India and Pakistan - both possess nuclear weapons, while staying outside the authority of international non - prolif- eration treaties. This has exacerbated the security dilemma in South Asia. The re- gional nuclear security network in South Asia is characterized by asymmetry and the frequent involvement of great powers. As a result nuclear security in the region is much more complex than anywhere else in the world. Given the pessimistic outlook for nuclear security in South Asia, China should play a positive role by advocating for new views of security in the region and for the application of its concept of world harmony. This can help stable nuclear security in the region.
作者 许娟 陈利君
出处 《南亚研究》 CSSCI 2014年第1期75-91,共17页 South Asian Studies
关键词 安全困境 南亚 核安全 Security Dilemma South Asia Nuclear Security
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