研究了 Si1 - x- y Gex Cy 三元系材料的应变补偿特性 ,分析了固相外延方法制备的样品中注入离子的分布对应变补偿效果的影响 ,指出由于 Ge和 C的投影射程及标准偏差不同 ,二者在各处的组分比并不恒定 ,存在着纵向分布 ,因此各处的应变补偿情况也不尽相同 .利用高斯公式对不同位置的应变补偿效果进行了分析 ,得出了外延层中存在应变完全补偿区域时 Ge、C的峰值浓度比 NGe/ NC应满足一定的取值范围 .通过制备不同 C组分的样品对上述结论进行了验证 。
The strain- compensation characteristics of Si1 - x - y Gex Cy ternary alloys m ade by Solid Phase Epitaxial Recrystal- lization ( SPER) are studied.Itshould be pointed out that because of the difference in both the projected range ( Rp) and the straggle of ions (ΔRp) for Ge and C,the ratio of Ge/ C is not a constant at different depth,as leads to the difference in strain- com pensation effects.Gauss formula is used to analyze the strain- compensation at different position in the alloy layers.The conclusion drawn shows that the ratio of the peak densities of Ge and C ions( NGe/ NC) should be within a lim it when there ex- ists a full strain compensated area in the epitaxial layers.A series of samples with different C com position have been prepared and the strain- com pensation characteristics detected.The experimental results are coincided with the predictions very well.
国家自然科学基金资助项目 !( No.6 9876 2 6 0 )&&