传统的电信网、计算机网主要指因特网和有线电视网正通过各种方式趋向于相互渗透和融合 数字技术、光通信技术、软件技术、TCP/IP协议的进展从技术上为三网融合铺平了道路,而市场需求、市场竞争和管制政策的放开已成为三网融合的外部推动力。 三网融合涉及技术、业务、市场、行业、终端、网络乃至行业管制和政策等方面的融合。文章阐述了三网的现状、问题和发展趋势并给出了电信网的融合演进策略及阻碍这一融合进程的主要因素。三网融合对信息产业结构将产生深远的影响,中国应该抓住机遇,振兴民族工业。
The conventional telecom networks computer networks mainly refer to Internet and cable TV networks are tending to merge with each other and infiltrate into each other through various approaches. The advance of digital technologies optical communications technologies software technologies and TCP/IP protocol paves the technical way for the three networks' convergence while the market demand competition and the telecom deregulation have become the external driving force of three networks' convergence. The present status of three types of networks the existing problems and the development trends are described in this paper. The merging strategy for telecom networks and the key elements that hinder the merging process are also presented. The three networks' convergence will exert far-reaching influence on information industry architecture. It is pointed out that China should seize the opportunity to promote national industry.
Modern Science & Technology of Telecommunications