目的了解2012年辽宁省男男性行为人群(MSM)的艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染现状及其高危行为情况,为在该人群中进一步开展干预工作提供参考。方法采取滚雪球的方法,招募2012年居住在辽宁省的MSM进行问卷调查,收集社会人口学特征、艾滋病知识知晓情况和高危行为特征等信息,并抽血检测HIV抗体。使用Epidata3.1建立数据库并进行数据双录入,并使用SPSS 19.0进行数据分析。结果共收回调查问卷2 006份。调查对象中艾滋病知识知晓率为95.8%(1 922人),6.7%(135人)HIV抗体检测阳性。最近一次与同性发生肛交时的安全套使用率为88.4%,与同性发生商业性行为时的安全套使用率为94.1%,1.2%最近一年曾被诊断患过性病。最近一次肛交未使用安全套者,感染HIV的风险是使用者的23.29倍,最近一次与同性发生商业性行为时未使用安全套者,感染HIV的风险是使用者的122.17倍,最近一年未接受过同伴教育者,感染HIV的风险是接受过的45.43倍,居住在大连市的MSM,感染HIV的风险是营口市的2.34倍。结论虽然辽宁省MSM的艾滋病知识知晓率和安全套使用率较高,但是HIV感染率处于较高水平,需重点开展防控工作。
Objective To analyze the current situation of HIV infection and related high risk behaviors to pro- vide reference for future intervention. Methods Snowball method was used to enroll MSM who lived in Liaoning Province in 2012 to conduct questionnaire survey to collect information about demographic features, HIV/AIDS awareness and the related high risk behaviors. Blood was collected to test HIV. The database was set up by Epidata3.1 and analyzed with SPSS19.0. Results Totally, 2006 copies of the questionnaires were received. The awareness rate of H/V/AIDS related knowledge was 95.8%. The rate of condom use during last anal intercourse and commercial sex activities was 88.4% and 94.1%, respectively. The proportion of person diagnosed with STI(s) was 1.2% during last year and the HIV positive rate was 6.7% in this survey. The risk of HIV infection was 23.29 times higher among those who did not use condom during the last anal intercourse than those who used, 122.17 times higher among those who did not use condom during the last commercial sex than those who used, 45.43 times higher among those who did not receive peer education service than those who received, and 2.34 times higher a mong MSM from Dalian than those from Yingkou. Conclusion The percentage of HIV/AIDS knowledge awareness and condom use was high among MSM in Liaoning Province, but the prevalence of HIV was still at a high level. More efforts should be made.
Chinese Journal of Aids & STD