
低排放发展战略:国际法上的演变与制度框架 被引量:2

Low Carbon Development Strategy:Evolution in International Law and Its System Frame
摘要 低排放发展战略是指将经济社会发展和减少碳排放有机结合的国家整体发展战略。低排放发展战略随着气候变化谈判进程的不断深入逐渐获得承认,其推动力来自于国际社会对气候变化议题理解的不断深入及发达国家和发展中国家两大阵营之间的激烈博弈。低排放发展战略的基本要素一般包括中长期减排目标、现状评估、减缓行动的成本和潜力分析、适应行动的脆弱性以及成本分析、确定重点项目和政策以及组织和资金保障。低排放发展战略具有综合性、长期性及自愿性的特点,对于政府部门、私营部门、普通大众以及国际社会均具有重要的意义和作用。从低排放发展战略与国家的适当的减缓行动、"可测量、可报告、可核实"制度以及国际资金援助之间的紧密关系来看,其在未来各国应对气候变化的制度框架中必然扮演主导性的角色。 "Low Emission Development Strategy (LEDS) " is a national overall development strategy that combines economic and social development with carbon reduction in a compatible way. LEDS is developed under the International Climate Change Negotiation, promoted by the deepening understand- ing of the climate change issue and the intense game between developed and developing countries. At present, it has been acknowledged by the Copenhagen Accord. LEDS usually includes deciding medium-term and long-term mitigation goal, assessing current situation, assessing the potential and costs of mitigation actions, assessing the vulnerability and costs of adaption actions, identifying priority programs, policies, institutional arrangements and financial support. It is comprehensive, long-term and voluntary. It is also important to the stakeholders, involving government departments, private sectors, general public and international community. Judging from its close relationship with "National Appropriate Mitigation Actions", "Measurable, Reportable and Variable" and "Financial Assistance ", it is expected to play a dominant role in the future under the UNFCCC.
作者 李艳芳 曹炜
出处 《中国人民大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期89-99,共11页 Journal of Renmin University of China
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目"气候变化应对立法研究"(10AFX012) 教育部哲学社会科学重大攻关项目"低碳发展若干重大问题研究"(09JZD0020) 国家应对气候变化战略研究和国际合作中心合作项目"中国低碳发展立法研究"(ZC2013-7)
关键词 低排放发展战略 气候变化 国际法 low carbon development strategy elimate change international law
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