作为一个理论体系 ,公共财政理论起码在三个方面存在严重缺陷 :一是它的理论基础———公共物品理论是不完整的 ,本文引入制度性公共物品的概念后 ,会使公共财政理论陷入十分尴尬的“左右逢源”中 ;二是所谓政府 (国有资本 )退出竞争性物品的生产和提供行列 ,并不意味着国家财政将专门为公共物品提供资金保证 ;三是国家财政也不能退出所有私人物品的生产和提供行列 ,因为一些基础设施和公用设施实质上是根据私人物品的属性提供的 ,尽管国家财政也参与对它们的资金提供。
The public finance as a theoretical system has three drawbacks at least.The first one lies in its incomplete public goods;the public finance will fall into an awkward position once the concept of institutional public goods is introduced.The second comes to the fact that the exit of state-owned capital from the production and supply of competitive goods does not necessarily mean that the government should support financially the public goods.The third is that it is impossible for the government to exit totally from the production and supply of private goods,beacause the supply of some public goods is based on the natrue and demand of private goods though the government supports them financially.
Research On Financial and Economic Issues