
不平衡及谐波电网下并网逆变器的谐振滑模控制技术 被引量:43

Resonance-based Sliding Mode Control of Grid Connected Inverters Under Unbalanced and Harmonic Grid Voltages
摘要 为提高不平衡及谐波电网下并网逆变器的运行性能,通过建立不平衡及谐波电网下并网逆变器的数学模型,以输出电流正弦或输出有功/无功功率平稳为控制目标,提出不平衡及谐波电网下并网逆变器基于谐振滑模的直接功率控制策略。为避免不平衡及谐波电网电压对相位检测精度的影响,所提谐振滑模控制策略在静止坐标系中实现。此外对所提控制策略的稳定性和收敛性进行深入分析。最后通过构建并网逆变器实验系统,对所提控制策略的正确性和可行性进行实验验证。 In order to enhance the operation performance of grid connected inverters under the unbalanced and harmonic grid voltage, the paper developed a mathematic model of grid connected inverters under the unbalanced and harmonic voltage, and proposed a direct power control strategy based on the resonance sliding mode control to implement the sinusoidal output current or stable output active/reactive power. The proposed control strategy was implemented on the stationary coordinate to avoid the influence of the phase detection accuracy due to the unbalanced and harmonic distorted voltage. And the stability and convergence capability of the proposed control strategy were analyzed. Finally, the experiment system of the grid connected inverter was built to validate the availability of the proposed control strategy.
作者 全宇 年珩
出处 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第9期1345-1352,共8页 Proceedings of the CSEE
基金 国家863高技术基金项目(2011AA050204)~~
关键词 不平衡及谐波电网 并网逆变器 谐振滑模 直接 功率控制 电能质量 unbalanced and harmonic grid voltage gridconnected inverter resonance-based sliding mode control direct power control power quality
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