

On Dialogue in a Poly-system: Taking Stephen Owen' Study of of " TongBian" in Wenxindiaolong for an Example
摘要 "通变"是刘勰诗学思想的重要范畴之一,自清代纪昀开始颇受学者重视。汉学家宇文所安对"通变"观的研究颇具特色。我们试图从实践的角度与宇文所安关涉《文心雕龙·通变》的研究"对话",辨析宇文所安观点的局限、有效性及其价值,并借助宇文所安论说方式的特点呈现其研究中的问题之所在。借用多元系统理论,在解决问题的同时反思中西"对话"的可能及最终路向,认为中西"对话"达成的最终路向是去寻找对方的文化传统本身,而不仅仅是研究方法。 "TongBian" , an important poetic concept in ancient China proposed by LiuXie (465-520), has received scholarly attention ever since JIYun first studied this critical concept in Qing dynasty. As time went on, other scholars also paid close attention to it, including Stephen Owen, an American sinologist, who studied " TongBian" in a new perspective. This essay attempts to construct a potential dialogue with Stephen Owen by discussing the limits, validity and value of his re- search on " TongBian". What's more, we will point out the problem s in his research from the angle of language. Finally, we will explore the possibility and effective way of accomplishing a dialogue with Stephen Owen based on the poly-systemic theory. We believe that the ultimate way to accomplish a dialogue is to concentrate on the other interlocutor's traditional culture rather than just the type of methodology used.
作者 王晓玉
出处 《美育学刊》 2014年第2期93-100,共8页 Journal of Aesthetic Education
关键词 通变 论说方式 对话 多元系统 TongBian the methodology of presentation dialogue poly-system
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