
政治变革中新旧埃及宪法的比较分析 被引量:6

A Comparative Analysis of the Old and New Egyptian Constitutions against the Backdrop of Political Transformation
摘要 埃及每一次宪法修订或重新起草都融合了国内复杂的政治变革问题。尽管2014年宪法删除了2012年宪法中争议的伊斯兰教法条款,但是在伊斯兰教徒占据人口绝大多数的背景下,伊斯兰教法的宪法地位依然无法被明显的淡化。从2012年到2014年宪法,军方的政治地位在不断强化,军事法院管辖权的扩张和对公民集会权利的限制遭到了多方批评。不过,公民的政治、经济和社会权利也在不断丰富。从宪法的变化可以看到埃及正向着积极的方向发展,但是囿于长期积累的复杂问题,短期内难以得到明显的改观。 Every time when Egyptian constitution was revised or re- drafted,it was always concerned with the issue of complicated political transformation at home. Although the constitution of 2014 removed the much debated provisions concerning Shari' a from the constitution 2012,the constitutional position of Shari' a can hardly be much weakened as Moslems account for the majority of the population in Egypt. From the 2012 constitution to the 2014 constitution,political position of the military has been getting much strengthened,though the expansion of martial court jurisdiction and the limits on the right of civil assembly have been criticized. However,citizen's political,economic and social rights in Egypt are getting enriched. From these changes of the constitution, we can see Egypt is moving in a positive direction,but fundamental changes are impossible in a short run because of the complicated issues left over from the past.
作者 王琼
出处 《亚非纵横》 2014年第2期13-25,123+127,共13页 ASIA & AFRICA REVIEW
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