为了了解银电极表面形貌以及表面反应产物对SERS光谱的影响,我们利用循环伏安图和扫描电子显微镜分别对0.1 MKCl溶液体系和0.1 MKCl+0.02M喹啉溶液体系中的银电极进行了研究,发现喹啉加入以后,在银电极表面产生强烈的化学吸附,并使得电极表面形貌发生了改变;不论氧化还是还原处理以后,喹啉吸附在银电极上均能产生SERS光谱,但两者产生的SERS光谱有着明显差异。
In order to know the effect of surface morphology and surface reactive product on SERS spectra, we made use of cyclic voltammetry and scanning electron microscopy to study the Ag electrode immersed in 0. 1M KCI solution or 0.1 M KCI+0.02M quinoline solution system. It has been found that quinoline which was put into 0.1M KCI solution adsorbed chemically on electrode surface and changed the surface morphology. After Ag electrode on which quinoline was adsorbed was oxidezed or reduced, it produced the SERS spectra. But two SERS spectra differed obviously.
The Journal of Light Scattering