
双流体气流式喷嘴加压雾化特性研究 被引量:5

Twin fluid air-blast nozzle atomization characteristics under high ambient pressure
摘要 水煤浆入炉前的雾化对其稳定燃烧和气化发挥着重要作用。通过实验,研究了双流体气流式雾化喷嘴在加压条件下的雾化过程,使用LS-2000分体激光粒度分析仪测量了随着环境压力(雾化室压力)及气液比的不同其雾化角、索特平均直径的变化情况。结果表明:当气液比一定时,索特平均直径d32随着雾化室压力的增大而减小,雾化角随着环境压力的增加而减小,索特平均直径与环境压力的n次幂成正比,n为-0.9^-1.5,当环境压力不变时,索特平均直径随着气液质量比的增大而减小。 The coal water mixture atomization before firing plays an important part in its combustion and gasification. Through experiment, investigate the process of twin fluid air-blast nozzle atomization under high ambient pressure. The LS-2000 laser particle analyzer is used to measure the change of Sauter Mean Diameter( d32 ) and atomization angle with environmental stress and gas liquid mass ratio. The results show that, d32 and atomization angle decrease with environmental stress increase while keeping the gas liquid mass ratio unchanged. The d3~ is proportional to the n power of environmental stress, n lines between -0. 9 and - 1.5. The d32 decrease with gas liquid mass ratio increase under constant environmental stress.
出处 《洁净煤技术》 CAS 2014年第1期74-77,共4页 Clean Coal Technology
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)资助项目(2013AA051101)
关键词 加压环境 索特平均直径 气液质量比 雾化角 pressurized environment Sauter Mean Diameter gas liquid mass ratio atomization angle
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