
中国—东盟金融发展趋同性研究 被引量:5

The Study on the Convergence of China-ASEAN Financial Development
摘要 伴随着中国东盟自由贸易区的建成,区域经济一体化与金融合作的进程加快,缩小区域内金融发展差距成为一体化的重要任务。本文选取运用σ检验与β检验测度中国东盟金融发展的趋同效应。结果表明,中国东盟自由贸易区各国金融差距较大,其趋势变化没有呈现趋同性,缺乏金融合作的基础,而核心国家之间的差距较小,金融合作的基础较好。我们建议根据金融发展的差距在金融合作上选取子区域分步推进和分层次渐进的策略。 With the establishment of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area , the regional economic integration and the process of financial cooperation have been accelerated. It is important to narrow the financial gap among different regions.By applying the method of σ test and β test, this study measures the convergent effects of China-ASEAN financial development. On one hand the result indicates that the financial gap among different countries is large and that its trends did not show convergence, which means it lacks of the foundation of financial cooperation. On the other hand, the financial gap among core countries is small. Therefore, the strategy of sub-regional financial cooperation is recommended.
机构地区 广西大学
出处 《区域金融研究》 2014年第1期23-27,共5页 Journal of Regional Financial Research
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目"中国-东盟区域经济一体化研究"阶段性成果 项目编号10JZD0022
关键词 金融发展 趋同性 α检验 β检验 Financial Development Convergence σTest βTest
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