
人类辅助生殖中的卵子分享模式研究 被引量:7

Study on the egg-sharing model in human assisted reproduction
摘要 人类卵子具有精密性、稀缺性、人身性和伦理性等特征,在人类辅助生殖中价值独特。受卵子来源限制和研究用卵子需求增加等影响,辅助生殖治疗用卵子供不应求。为缓解卵子供需矛盾,一些国家努力探索适合本国国情的卵子供给模式。卵子分享模式较之于无偿捐赠模式和买卖模式,更符合公平、有利的伦理原则,是增加卵子供给的理想选择。目前我国已在实践卵子分享模式,但制度建构尚不完善。我国应积极借鉴国外有益做法,构建适合我国国情的卵子分享制度。 Human eggs are invaluable in the field of human assisted reproduction because of they are precise,scarce,personal and ethical. Due to the restriction of egg sources and the increased egg demands of medical research, egg supply is always not enough for medical treatments. To ease up the contradiction of egg supply and demand, some countries are exploring various supply models which can consistent with their own culture. Compared to egg-donation and egg-trade,egg-sharing is the ideal model for egg supplement,which is more in accordance with bioethical principles of beneficence and justice. At present, China has begun to practice the model of egg-sharing. However,the system construction is incompetent. We should learn more helpful experiences from foreign countries to build a perfect model for egg sharing.
出处 《南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第1期11-15,共5页 Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"人类辅助生殖法律制度比较研究"(12BFX113) 四川省医事卫生法治研究中心资助项目"我国人类遗传资源监管制度创新研究"(YF13-Z03)
关键词 人类辅助生殖 卵子 供给模式 分享模式 human assisted reproduction ovum supply model egg sharing
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