The exchange interactions of the nearest-neighbor exchange constant between tetrahedral and octahedral sublattices (JAB(x)), nearest-neighbor exchange constant inside tetrahedral sublattice (JAA(x)) and nearest-neighbor exchange constant inside octahedral sublattice (JBB(x)) in cobalt and zinc chromites are calculated using the probability distribution. The Curie–Weiss temperature and the critical temperature are deduced using the mean field and the high temperature series expansion theories in ZnxCo1?xCr2O4. The critical exponent associated with the magnetic susceptibility (γ) is deduced for CoCr2O4.
The exchange interactions of the nearest-neighbor exchange constant between tetrahedral and octahedral sublattices (JAB(x)), nearest-neighbor exchange constant inside tetrahedral sublattice (JAA(x)) and nearest-neighbor exchange constant inside octahedral sublattice (JBB(x)) in cobalt and zinc chromites are calculated using the probability distribution. The Curie–Weiss temperature and the critical temperature are deduced using the mean field and the high temperature series expansion theories in ZnxCo1?xCr2O4. The critical exponent associated with the magnetic susceptibility (γ) is deduced for CoCr2O4.