

Research Summary on Capacity of Foreign Governments and the Revelation
摘要 通过对当代国外关于政府能力研究的主要内容和途径的综述,可以得到这样的启示:21世纪以快速变化、全球化、超竞争、超不确定性为特征,而建立应对这些严重的治理困境的新的行政能力以更有效地应对不确定性迫在眉睫。传统的行政能力已经不能满足新的挑战,公共管理和行政有必要在理论和实践上发展非线性的和突击管理为导向的新知识、技术、文化和计划来应对这个时代的"非理性"和快速的变化以及"混乱"。建设新的行政能力是我们时代的当务之急。 By summarizing the main research contents and ways on the capacity of contemporary foreign governments this revelation can be obtained: the 21st century is characterized by rapid changes, globalization, hyper-competition, and super uncertainty. Therefore, it is urgent to establish new capacity in the administration to cope with the serious dilemma in governance so as to deal with the uncertainty more efficiently. As traditional administrative capacity is unable to face the new challenges, it is necessary for public management and administration to develop theoretically and practically new knowledge, new technique, new culture and new programs in the orientation of nonlinear and surprised ways to cope with the "non-rationality" of the age, rapid changes, and "chaos". It is the urgent affairs of our times to build up new administrative capacity.
作者 宋洁
出处 《太原师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第1期33-37,共5页 Journal of Taiyuan Normal University:Social Science Edition
关键词 政府能力 综述 启示 government capacity summary revelation
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