目的:研究立体定向下血肿腔置管引流对老年高血压丘脑出血患者预后的影响。方法:回顾性分析45例老年高血压丘脑出血患者的临床资料及随访资料,将其分为传统组及立体定向组。传统组采用止血、降颅内压、神经营养等对症治疗的方法;立体定向组采用立体定向引导下丘脑血肿腔置管引流并结合支持对症治疗,通过统计学分析比较两组患者临床相关资料。结果:两组患者在性别、年龄、格拉斯哥昏迷(Glasgowcomascale,GCS)评分、丘脑血肿量、修改Graeb评分标准方面差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。虽然两组在死亡率上差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但是在术后GCS评分(P=0.048)、并发症发生率(P=0.031)、30 d GOS评分(P=0.044)、7 d血肿后血肿量(P=0.047)的比较上立体定向组明显优于传统组。结论:立体定向下血肿腔置管引流术虽然不能降低老年丘脑出血患者的死亡率,但是可以明显改善患者的预后。
Objective: To study the effect of stereotactic aspiration of hematoma on the elderly patients with hypertensive thalamus hemorrhage. Methods: We take a retrospective analysis on 45 elderly patients with hypertensive thalamus hemor-rhage which were divided into conservative group and stereotactic aspiration group. Statistics analysis was undertaken after the endpoint. Results: There were no significant difference between two groups on gender, age, GCS scores, mGraeb scores and volume of hematoma. In spite of no significant improving on mortality , the stereotactic aspiration group showed better appear-ances on GCS scores post operation, complications and 30 d GOS scores. Conclusion:Stereotactic aspiration of hematoma can improve the prognosis on the elderly patients with hypertensive thalamus hemorrhage , although it does no good to mortality.
Journal of Nantong University(Medical sciences)
thalamus hemorrhage
stereotactic aspiration
the elderly patient