
新疆喀什伽师县农村维吾尔族妇女性行为调查研究 被引量:1

Investigation of sexual behaviors of Uyghur women in Kashgar Payzawat,Xinjiang
摘要 目的:探讨新疆喀什地区伽师县克孜勒博依乡维吾尔族妇女宫颈癌有关的性行为高危因素,为制定新疆农村妇女宫颈癌的性行为干预提供科学依据。方法2009年6-7月,对新疆喀什伽师县克孜勒博依乡1000例维吾尔族妇女采用访谈方式进行妇女性行为的问卷调查。结果伽师县克孜勒博依乡1000例农村维吾尔族妇女文化层次低、经济收入低;月经期及性卫生不良,早婚、早育、多婚、多育等较为普遍,15岁之前结婚者占25.8%,16~20岁结婚者占57.9%,20岁之前完成初次分娩者占74.4%,有41.9%的妇女至少离过1次婚,分娩4次以上者占37.9%;避孕方式以宫内节育器为主,使用宫内节育器避孕者占56.6%,仅有0.4%的妇女使用避孕套;100%的妇女配偶在6~8岁时进行过伊斯兰教的割礼(包皮切除术),性生活后洗阴道的妇女占83.8%。结论农村维吾尔族妇女中宫颈癌性行为有关的高危因素普遍存在,这些因素可能是维吾尔族妇女宫颈癌发病率高的重要原因,在农村维吾尔族妇女中进行性行为干预极为迫切。 Objective To discuss the high risk factors of sexual behaviors related to cervical cancer in Uy-ghur women from Kashgar Payzawat,Xinjiang,providing basis for sexual behavioral intervention in Xin-jiang cervical cancer prevention.Method A questionnaire survey about sexual behavior was conducted a-mong 1000 Uyghur women from Kashgar Payzawat Kizilboyi county in June 10 to July 25,2009.Each women received face to face interview alone in a single room.Results women′s education level and eco-nomic situation were generally low.Hygienic condition during menstruation and sexual life was poor.Early marriage and parity,multiple marriage and parity were very common.25.8% of women married before 15 and 57.9% of women married the age of 16 to 20,74.4% of women completed childbearing before 20 and 37.9% of women have four times childbearing.41.9% of women divorced once and intrauterine device was the main contraceptive method with the rate of 56.6%.Only 0.4% of them applied condom.All husbands were processed circumcision during the age of six to eight.83.8% of women wash the vagina after coitus. Conclusion High risk factors of sexual behaviors of cervical cancer are very common in Uyghur women from rural area of Xinjiang.These factors may be the main reasons of high morbidity of cervical cancer in Uyghur women.Therefore,effective sexual behavioral intervention is urgently needed.
出处 《新疆医科大学学报》 CAS 2014年第3期355-358,365,共5页 Journal of Xinjiang Medical University
基金 国家自然科学基金(30860325)
关键词 宫颈癌 维吾尔族 农村 性行为 干预 cervical cancer Uyghur rural area sexual behavior intervention
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