1A. K. Grayson, "Assyria: Ashur-dan II to Ashur- Nirari V (934-745 B. C. )", Cambridge Ancient History (II1/2), Cambridge (1991), 204.
2M. Novrk, "From Ashur to Nineveh : The Assyrian Town - Planning Programme", Iraq 66 (2004), 177.
3P. Villard, "Shamshi - Adad and :Sons : The Rise and Fall of an Upper Mesopotamian Empire", J. M. Sasson, Civili- zations of Ancient Near East, New York ( 1995), 874.
4H. Weiss, "Rediscovering: Tell Leilan on the Habur Plains of Syria", The Biblical Archaeologist 48/1 (1985) , 27.
5J. N. Postgate-J. E, Reade, "Kalhu", D. O. Edzard, Reallexikon der Assyriologie der Vorderasiatischen Archaelogie (V), Berlin/New York: 1976 - 1980, 321.
6H. W. F. Saggs, The Might That Was Assyria, London (1984) , 97 -98.
7A. K. Grayson, "Assyria: Tiglath - pileser III to Sargon II (744 - 705 B. C. ) ", Cambridge Ancient History ( II1/2), Cambridge ( 1991 ) , 117.
8S. Maul, "Die ahorientalische Hauptstadt: Nabel und Abbild der Wel", G. Wilhelm, Die orientalische Stadt: Konti- nuitat, Wandel, Bruch ( Colloquien der Deutschen Orient - Gesellschaft 1 ), 109 - 124.
9M. T. Larsen, The Old Assyrian City- State and its Colonies, Copenhagen (1976), 215.
10A. H. Joffe, "Disembedded Capitals in Western Asian Perspective", Comparative Studies in Society and History, 40/ 3 (1998), 567.