
20载勤求内镜微创诊治规范 国际交流统一质量标准益民众 世界内镜微创医师大会已先后在两岸四地召开

20 Years' Hard-working for Standardization of Diagnosis and Treatments in Endoscopic and Minimally Invasive Medicine,International Exchange, Promotion for Unification of International Quality Standard, Benefits of People in the World World Endoscopic Docto
摘要 第5届"世界内镜医师大会(世内会)"暨恩德思医学科学技术奖颁奖大会,于2013年12月13至15日在台北圆山饭店举行。本届"世内会"是36个国家和地区、18个专科的1000多位学者参会的"内镜与微创医师竞技和高技术成果颁奖大会"",第23届中国内镜医师年会"与第5届"世内会"同期举行。本届大会"荣誉主席"马英九"、荣誉指导"吴敦义祝贺大会在台北举行。台湾海基会会长林中森在大会开幕式上热烈祝贺大会成功举行。至此,世界内镜医师大会,已在我国两岸四地先后圆满召开。第5届世内会主席团主席、世界内镜医师协会主席张阳德在开幕式致欢迎辞。敖英芳副主席(世界内镜医师协会副主席、亚洲关节镜学会主席、北京大学副校长)主持本届大会开幕式。解放军总医院刘玉杰、初向阳等230多位各国和地区、18个专科的内镜微创医学专家在8个会场"竞技演讲"。David Tolley、张亚卓、金讯波等90多位世界各国和地区医学专家获"恩德思医学科学技术奖"。1990年至2013年,张阳德团队联盟全国内镜微创医生和行业组织,23年来,已举办了"23届中国(5届世界)内镜微创医师大会",严谨、有效、安全地推广各专科内镜与微创新技术,赢得了同行和患者对他们辛勤耕耘的赞誉。每年"世内会",都注重对"世界一流医生"的奖励,他们优秀的技术水平和奉献品德,受同行称赞和人们尊敬。大会期间,重点讨论了全球内镜微创医生"统一培训和考试标准"的制定。"世界内镜医师协会"以关爱医生、推动培养"世界一流医生",加强医生国际交流,呼吁全球统一规范诊治标准,保障医疗安全和质量,使民众享受高新医疗技术为"宗旨",得到各国同行组织、医生和社会的关爱。 "the 5th World Endoscopic Doctors Conference(WEDC)" Endos Award Ceremony of Medical Science and Technology was held at Grand Hotel Taipei on Dec 13-15, 2013. This is a great event- there were 36 countries and regions, 18 specialties and over thousands of physicians and scientists participation. Meanwhile, "Awards Ceremony for the Tournaments of Endoscopic and Minimally Invasive Doctors"was held. Since 1990 until now, the 23rd Chinese Endoscopic Doctors Conference"had been held simultaneously with WEDC."Honorary Chairman"Ma Ying-jeou, "Honorary Councilor"Wu Den-yih congratulated on the 5th WEDC opening in Taipei."Chairman of SEF"Lin Zhongsen delivered his best wishes for the success in completion of the conference at the opening ceremony of WEDC. Chairman of the Board Committee of the 5th WEDC, Chairman of World Endoscopy Doctors Association, Zhang Yangde delivered welcome speech at the opening ceremony. Vice Chairman of World Endoscopy Doctors Association, Chairman of Asian Arthroscopy Congress, Vice President of Peking University, Ao Yingfang hosted the opening ceremony.Liu Yujie, Chu Xiangyang who are from PLA General Hospital as well as over 230 medical experts from different countries in 18 specialties delivered"contest speeches"in 8 venues.More than 90 international medical experts had been awarded for "Endos Award of Medical Science and Technology", such as David Tolly, Zhang Yazhuo, Jin Xunbo, etc.Prof. Zhang Yangde's team in association with abroad endoscopic doctors organizes many endoscopic conferences. Under their diligent working, it has been held the 23 years of Chinese and the 5 years of World Endoscopic Doctors Conferences successfully from1990 to 2013. Their accomplishments are highly recognized and praised by peer and patients. Every year "WEDC"emphasizes on awarding the "World top doctors"in order to represent their outstanding performance, dedications and professional morality. As a result, they received the peer recognition and praise.The conference focused on discussing how to standardize the"global unification of training and examination for the endoscopic minimally invasive medical doctors".The purposes of "World Endoscopy Doctors Association"are set for caring doctors, respecting the "world class"doctors,enhancing international exchanges and improving medical standards. We call for global standardized diagnosis and treatment as well providing safe and high quality of medical treatments to people. We committed to our goals and promoted the medical standard in the world. In return, we won the high recognition and respects from our society.
出处 《中国内镜杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第12期1233-1246,1370,共14页 China Journal of Endoscopy
关键词 世界内镜医师协会 世界内镜医师协会主席团 世界内镜微创医师大会 世内会 恩德思医学科学技术奖 内镜微创颁奖大会 台北 台湾地区 圆山 马英九内镜会 多国医生联盟部 乌克兰敖德萨 内镜与微创世界一流医师 内镜与微创 World Endoscopic Doctors Association Chairman Committee of World Endoscopy Doctors Association World Endoscopic Doctors Conference WEDC Endos Award of Medical Science and Technology Awards Ceremony of Endoscopic & Minimally Invasive Doctor Taipei Taiwan Grand Hotel Ma Ying-jeou Endoscopic Conference Ukraine Odessa World-class Doctors in Endoscopic & Minimally Invasive Surgery Endoscopic & Minimally Invasive Surgery.Endoscopic & Minimally Invasive Surgery.
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