目的 :总结保留尿道前列腺切除术治疗前列腺增生症的经验 ,提高良性前列腺增生症开放性手术治疗效果。方法 :采用耻骨后保留尿道前列腺切除术治疗良性前列腺增生症 52例。结果 :全部病例均手术成功 ,病愈出院。4 5例尿道粘膜完整 ,6例尿道粘膜部分损伤 ,1例膀胱颈损伤 ,均予缝合修补后恢复良好。随访 3- 12个月 ,无尿道狭窄、尿失禁、性功能丧失等并发症。结论
Objective:[WT5BZ][ST5BZ]To include the experiment of treating prostatic hypertrophy by prostatectomy with reserving urethra,and increase the curative effect of open operation on BPH.[WT5HZ]Method:[WT5BZ]Retropubic prostatectomy with reserving urethra was carried out for 52 cases of BPH.[WT5HZ]Results:[WT5BZ]Success was achieved in all cases who were recovered and discharged.Urethral mucosa was integrant in 45 cases.partly traumatic in 6 cases and vesical cervix was traumatic in 1 case All of these were recovered well after suturation.After 3 12 months follow up,there were no complications such as urethrostenosis,uroclepsia and sexual disorder [WT5HZ]Conclusion:[WT5BZ]Its a much idealer open operation for BPH by prostatectomy with reserving urethra [WT5HZ]
Hebei Medicine