Using a 22-year data set from the National Gray Desert Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Efficiency Observing Station and a DNDC model, soil organic carbon(SOC) dynamics at the top horizon (0-20cm) of nine fertilization treatments were simulated and verified. SOC changes over 30 years were also predicted. Results show that the DNDC model can simulate SOC dynamics under different fertilizer conditions and that simulated and measured results are correlated. Within 30 years, simply fertilizing with IN + P + K could not improve SOC significantly, the SOC CK (without fertilizer), P+K (without N fertilizer) treatments fell by 4.76% and 4.64%, and the N alone, N+K(without P fertilizer) and N+P (without K fertilizer) treatments increased by 2.25%, 1.50% and 5.24%, respectively. SOC in nitrogen treatments (N, N+P, N+K, N+P+K) remained the same or grew over 30 years, which shows that nitrogen was still the primary factor affecting carbon balance. Treatments such as N+P+K+M(M, manure at normal application rate) and N+P+K+S (S, plant residue returned) and high N+P+K+M(manure at increased application rate) increased SOC by 37. 1% and 8.8 I% and 39.6%, respectively. Long-term manure and plant residue combined with chemicals enhanced the content of organic carbon fractions and improved the fertility of gray desert soil. Although a larger SO(; increase coincided with higher CO2-C emissions, CO2 fixation would become the major process when the rate of change in SOC is above 25.1%. Therefore, reasonable fertilization treatment could facilitate SOC sequestration and reduce CO2 emissions.
Resources Science