目的 分析急性脑出血患者心电图复极改变和心律失常。方法 检测 39例急性脑出血患者和 30例对照者 2 4小时动态心电图 ,分析其心电图复极改变和心律失常。结果 右侧大脑半球出血者急性期室上性快速心律失常和房颤发生率明显增高 ,左侧者则表现为ST降低发生率明显增高。结论 左侧和右侧大脑半球出血对心脏影响不同。岛叶病变在其中起着主要作用。
Objectives Analysis the Change of ST Segment in electracardiogram and arrhythmias in patients with acute cerebral hemorrhage. Methods 24-hour dynamic recordings measured 39 patients with cerebral hemorrhage in the acute phase and 30 control subjects eletrocardiogrom.Results Supraventricular arrhythmias were significantly in creased in groups of right cerebral hemorrhage as compared with groups of lesionsin other regions and the control. A significantly increased rate of ST segment abnormality was found in left cerebral hemorrhage as compared with groups of lesions in other regions and the control. Conclusions The effect of lett hemispheric cerebral hemorrhage on heart function are different from the effect of right one. Increased rate of supraventricular arrhgthmias is associated with right insular hemonhagt, While increase rate of ST segment abnormality is associated with left insular hemorrhage.
Ningxia Medical Journal